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You've got thinning hair

👱‍♂️ Recommendations

💡 Use shampoo 2x a week

Washing your hair with shampoo every day can dry out your hair of its natural oils making it look even thinner. Try using shampoo 2x a week and use leave-in conditioner to keep your hair hydrated.

💡 Avoid paraben & sulfate conditioners

Opting for paraben and sulfate-free conditioners can promote healthier, stronger hair by maintaining its natural moisture balance and protecting it from unnecessary chemical exposure.

💡 Incorporate scalp massages into your routine

Scalp massages stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, which can promote healthier hair growth and strengthen the roots. Using gentle circular motions, massage your scalp with your fingertips or a soft-bristled brush for several minutes daily.